ALTURBATIV offers multiple urban routes, and two types of immersion– Discovery and In-depth.

The first urban route, for example, explores the street art of the dynamic Belleville area. Discovery Immersion lasts 1h. It consists of one continuous tour which explores the area and its inhabitants, its famous residents and unmissable spots, as well as its history and its stories … all the while taking in the exciting artistic creations that originated there.

In-depth Immersion lasts 2h. It offers an intense experience which takes you right to the heart and soul of the area.

Each walk is available in five languages and in a simple and easy to use format. All you have to do is download the mp3 file from our site and transfer it to your mp3 player, or you can simply download it directly onto your mobile phone. The price of the Discovery Immersion is €5. In-depth Immersion is €9. Secure payment is available online via Paypal.